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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

As Gravity Turns Off...

"...for being weightless is a worldwide addiction we all relapse to..."

(from time to time)

That's a line from my latest piece that I'm escribing. Haven't finished it yet as I'm shaping which direction it should ultimately be in. It's based on a newly found thesis that came to mind. The whole world seems to want to be weightless. (metaphorically speaking)

To be weightless ofcourse is to be burdenless and without a worry in the world. No stress about a job or stress about school or anything that the average group of people (depending on their age) would be losing sleep over.

The goal seems to be to find a way to be successful so that we may live ourselves in a nice house like we were royalty. We'll lock our doors and stay in our towers for the rest of our lives drowning in entertainment as the rest of the world now works for us. That's the american dream right there.

Not to sound so negative on the situation though. What grabs me is how everyone is looking for that escape. It's like their own souls have to take a break from their bodies and surf the waves of something that takes them out of this world where they'd be weightless if for atleast a small period time.

I'm not just talking drugs, though. I'm talking hobbies and imaginations as well. And I find it so amazing, because if like is so busy and we're running around like robots all the time, then when gravity turns off, that's where we're truly defined as unique. Now, if only we could usher this uniqueness into the reality that stands before us.

My off switch to gravity aside from writing is ofcourse video games



Speaking of which...

This has always bothered me...

I never understood why folks, when they got angry. I'd hear them say
"I'm tired of people playing games..."

so many icebreakers with this one...

"Man, I'm tired of people playing games with my heart."
"Yo, I'm tired of people playing games with my mind."
"Son, I'm tired of him/her playing games in this relationship."

"I'm a grown man/woman and I ain't got time for no games."

Really???? I'm honestly starting to get a handle on why you may be stressed.
Now ofcourse, I don't no the situation of any of these people. It may well be a very serious one that indeed could be quite stressing and maniacal. I've just never been a fan of such a thing being called a "game". Folks are making games seem like some heinous joyride that takes a bite out of each and every one of us until we are no more. As if a game is a killer setout to end you. Honestly, I don't believe that is the case.

I also don't understand how games are only for kids. That's like saying every adult is required to not have fun and to stay in a state of constant slavery-esque torment. Plus, look at the adults around you. Majority of folk do look joy deprived and unstable. Only robotically focused on what they "must" do and how stressful life is. Life is beautiful because of its art. And games have that type of liberation as it too is an art. I'm not even talking video gaming but games in general.

Look at any situation you're in. I want you to look for what's stressing you out. If it's out of seriousness between two people I honestly want you to take the time to retreat from it as though it were a game. Excuse the rhetoric for those that may have been caught off guard. People don't imagine anymore. People lack innovation the way they used to have it in their childhood days because they throw it away as they get older for something more socially acceptable. Folks are afraid to embrace their weirdness. Their art. And that little bundle of carefree, innocent joy slowly fades away, thus making them say "I HATE GAMES", missing out on the very thing they may need to liberate and rejuvenate their creative juices to fuel the strength they once carried.

I say, if people are playing games with your heart or mind or relationship, then by all means, play along. Multi-players make action co-exist. It's quite fun. Besides, it's probably the excitement you needed. The stress is just in your head :)

The humanizing things we tend to overlook. ^_~.

In what ways do you turn gravity off?

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