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The Cycle

Inciting, Freestyling, Escribing, Memorizing, Reciting, Inviting an Audience, Re-Cycle-ing...

Friday, September 3, 2010

CivILLian Brainables (Team of Wit) ... sounds like a cereal, lol.

Note: Left Brain = Intelligence
Right Brain = Creativity

Time to make a few... Vicissitudes

Left Brain: Interlude
Right Brain: Uh... yeah I thinks so

Just to escape the environment of timelessness where Simon Says I've been invited in...
Rather I start a riot in a dining bin full of hungry men dieing of starvation and....


Left Brain: Let's try again
Right Brain: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Just to esca...

Right Brain: No, no, no, wait... I got it.
Left Brain: What?
Right Brain: Let's just start over.
Left Brain: That's what we were doing.
Right Brain: Yeah but let's not use the same stuff. I'm talking really start over. A clean slate. Cool?
Left Brain: ... alright... I guess

Dumbfoundedness surrounds us when the profound has acknowledgements
But never pardons men of the bombarded demolished bricks
Hollow tips
Follow with
bitten tongues and startled lips
And if they start to slip the info, their life is departed quick.
A few hearts are slick as bottle tip artists in spewing thoughtful drifts
Within a thoughtless flip of parliament.
They said that theives and arsonists stole and got a spark of wit
dropped a lick of toppled bliss to the righteous optimist.
They said there was no stopping this
Because they're way too locked in this
And that the world was better off holding fear in their awesomeness
Catching these two is not an if
not a when
Just an impossible wish to those who operate to opt against

Left Brain: ...
Right Brain: ... what?
Left Brain: Should we add more?
Right Brain: I 'on't kno...
Left Brain: Just answer the questi...
Right Brain: Do you think we should add some more?
Left Brain: ... -_-'... *sigh*
Right Brain: what? I'm asking an honest question
Left Brain: No, you do this every single time.
Right Brain: Do what?
Left Brain: You sit there and stay silent and wait for me to close out, just for you to say "Oh hold on, we should do this." And I sit there and wait, only to find you have NO ideas.
Right Brain: C'mon give me a break, no I don't.
Left Brain: Should we ADD more? Yes or No?
Right Brain: Hmm... *thinking*
Left Brain: ...-_-'...
Right Brain: I don't know.
Left Brain: *sigh* Oh my Lord
Right Brain: That's my honest answer man.
Left Brain: Okay then we're closing it out, right now.


Right Brain: Hold on man, I got it.
Left Brain: ... Why am I not surprised?
Right Brain: No I'm serious, I got it.
Left Brain: Okay, well what? Huh? What is it?
Right Brain: ...
Left Brain: ...
Right Brain: ...
Left Brain: See, what I'm saying, you're doing it once again.
Right Brain: No I swear I just head it in my head. It just slipped.
Left Brain: Oh really, well I'm not waiting for that.
Right Brain: It's not like you've done something like that.
Left Brain: Something like what?
Right Brain: Remember that time you tried to put together the "hate sonnet"?
Left Brain: YOU HAD THAT IDEA!!!!
Right Brain: NO I DID NOT...
Left Brain: Yes you did, and I can also recall you trying to stretch a 17 syllable poem...
Right Brain: ...haiku
Left Brain: ... Into a 17 page poem.
Right Brain: Yeah what's your point?
Left Brain: It's not a haiku if it stretches past 17 syllables.
*******both character voices fade at this point*******
Right Brain: Oh yeah, well what about the "peace flyt"?
Left Brain: Oh there you go again.
Right Brain: That was the worst idea you ever had
Left Brain: It would've work too, if you had better rebuttals
Right Brain: I didn't wr......

*******REAL ENDING*******

Note: I wrote this because people asked me what do I think about when i write and I honestly couldn't give them an answer. So let this just be an example of my thinking process when I write.

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