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The Cycle

Inciting, Freestyling, Escribing, Memorizing, Reciting, Inviting an Audience, Re-Cycle-ing...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thoughts vs. Feelings


It's identity for love

What do you think is more important
The heart or the mind? (Non-physical)
Is this something to debate about?
Do we or should we even care?

There is an undeniable balance between these two
With one, we hold and access our greatest desires
Another, we consider and contemplate the same
Asking ourselves if this is what we're supposed to be feeling. I've noticed that people are basically afraid of what it is the heart displays. What it is we really want seems to be a reflective of who we really are, so just the thought of that can be scarier than facing your greatest phobia. Due to such a fear, the mind comes in to sort of organize the situation. We give ourselves an explanation for everything. Enter into a theoretical process of cause and effect with trial and error though none of the activities we think of leave our heads. For the longest I wondered why it was so, why did we operate in such an intoxicating way? The reason is identity. We have become so bent on trying to prove to the people surrounding us that we can live up to whichever reputation or title that our names hold. So used to a pat on the back that we don't dare to imagine how life would be like if it were gone.

Well after a series of a few events, I must say that what it is I have to prove to folks is not a determining factor for me. I can't say I have nothing to prove, otherwise I'd have no will to write. What I'm trying to prove is this voice that I constantly project. No matter how "unsound" my speeches are, I must say I can't regret anything I've ever said to a person, I try my best to come from the heart. But why I do things is not the reason to my current thoughts. I'm wondering over yonder like an explorer, trying to find out why we bite our tongues.

One of my friends asked me if loving someone was determined by your feelings or by time. I don't know why he asked me that. How many relationships have I been in (seriously) that can qualify me to know what I'm talking about? Anyway, he said that most people believed time was a factor yet he himself begged to differ. He views it as a risk, to which you don't know what you're getting into.

So with that being said, let's say someone takes the risk of throwing themselves out there, only to get rejected. What do you do now… move on or break down?
((asking too many questions means I'm thinking too much but don't worry, I'm pulling it together.))
A lot of people breakdown, and once they recover they move on… natural cycle. The next person they pick up feelings for, they might be hesitant to let them know, because they just might get rejected again. If the very thing we're afraid of is rejection, then that just might be something with the identity, wondering if they'd look at us any differently.

Now if this keeps on happening with each person we run across, then what are we to think of ourselves? Why do we keep extending our hearts out 1 person at a time? If it's that yearning need to be with someone then that may just be the problem there... insecurity, which leads back to identity. But I can't bash all the people we tend to pick feelings for, because a crush is legitimate enough for us to get cut some slack. It's just this fear that grabs us each and every time, the one that makes us afraid to be who we are and forces us to conform to our surroundings, so believe it goes beyond telling someone how you feel.

Well my friend thinks that is subconscious, meaning we automatically resort to these devastating thoughts…

…So I ask you, which is more important, what we think (mind) or what we feel (heart)?

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